10-11.06.2023 – Balkan Streetlifting & Weighted Calisthenics Championships

Balkan Streetlifting & Weighted Calisthenics Championships

Date: June 10-11, 2023


Applications starts from this moment onward until 1 jun. After 1 jun it will not be possible to apply for the competition. Also paying fee is in advanced and it will cost 3000 dinars, or 27 euros. Plan is with the money we collect to pay trip for the best competitors for the world championships. Also there will be a lot of valuable prizes and many more suprises.
Prijave pocinju od ovog momenta i trajace do 1 juna. Posle 1 juna nece biti moguce da se prijavi takmicar, cena kotizacije je 3000 din i placanje je unapred. Od sredstava koje prikupimo planiramo da platimo najboljima put ka svetskom prvenstvu. Ceka nas mnogo sponzora i iznenadjenja. Bice duplo rangiranje za takmicare do 18 godina, sto ce biti uskoro detaljno objasnjeno, tako da ovo ce biti ujedno i juniorsko takmicenje 🚀

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